sabato 22 febbraio 2025



Produrre cera in casa


Premessa: Faccio presente che la gran parte della gente non è in grado e non ha ne tempo ne voglia di farsi la sua cera personale, per cui sicuramente molta parte della popolazione prende quello che viene venduto anche perché non impegna tempo  ed hanno un prodotto già pronto. Ma comunque è bene conoscere alcune cose. Premetto che i sistemi qui di seguito descritti si trovano in qualsiasi testo di chimica organica applicata, non solo se qualcuno vuole sperimentare, e non ne ha le competenze meglio eviti, tranne per il primo che lo possono fare tutti gli adulti, basta stare un po’ attenti, per il resto ognuno si prende le sue responsabilità.

Metodo semplice alla portata di tutti.

1.       Prendete grasso di rognone di manzo o grasso si maiale, in genere i grassi animali.

2.       Pulite il grasso, eliminate più parti che non fanno parte del grasso, lavatelo bene .

3.       Macinate il grasso più finemente possibile

4.       In una pentola capiente mettete il grasso e copritelo con acqua pulita.

5.       Fate bollire a fuoco intenso finche tutto bolle

6.       Abbassate al minimo la fiamma e lasciate bollire finche il grasso non si sia completamente sciolto.

7.       Filtrate il composto e separate, il filtrato lasciatelo raffreddare e poi ulteriormente lavatelo con acqua fredda, asciugatelo quello che otterrete è cera chiamata SEGO.

E' definita cera ma non è propriamente tale, ma può essere utilizzata anche come cera, visto che è ricca di acido stearico e acido palmitico, punto di fusione 40-50°C fu utilizzato prima dell'avvento della cera di sintesi da petrolio o altre cere sintetiche, era molto usato nelle città fino circa metà al secolo scorso le candele da chiesa erano spesso fatte con questo genere di prodotto, specialmente nelle campagne, il Sego va bene per produrre saponi, Lubrificanti, Biodiesel e nell'industria alimentare. Per rendere il Sego traslucido si può aggiungere alcoli grassi, cera d'api, alcuni oli vegetali o minerali.

Se volete indurre un po’ questo tipo di cera basta che aggiungete piccole parti di cera paraffinica, molto poca altrimenti questa cera diventa fragile.

In alternativa potete  aggiungere Candelilla o Carnauba entrambe cere naturali.

Si può aggiungere anche cera di Jojoba, chiamata impropriamente olio, perché è una cera liquida.

Questo genere di Cera di Sego non ha alcuna tossicità dato che sia il grasso di manzo, che di maiale viene utilizzato nell'alimentazione, per cui la cera derivata con questo semplice metodo non può emettere nessun fumo tossico. Se invece al processo venissero aggiunte sostanze diverse allora questo modifica di fatto la cera stessa. 

Altri tipi di cera sono più difficili da produrre per la gente comune.

Per esempio la cera di Soia  si estrae con metodo a freddo l’olio di soia poi mediante processo di idrogenazione solitamente l’industria usa Idrogeno gassoso il quale trasforma l’olio in cera, ma si può fare anche con degli Idruri tipo NaBH4 , LiAlH4, KBH4,  o altri a cessione di Idrogeno. Però ci vuole un catalizzatore e solitamene si usa Nichel o palladio, Rodio e Platino, ma dato l’elevato costo del Pt, Pl, Rh,Ru si preferisce usare il Ni, che con la fiamma tende ad evaporare con i fumi della combustione per cui la cera di Soia se prodotta con Nichel non sarebbe molto salutare. Al limite si potrebbe usare qualche altro catalizzatore tipo il cobalto, il Vanadio, Molibdeno, Rame, Ferro, Selenio o combinazione di questi ed altri che non sono pericolosi.

Le altre cere non sono facilmente producibili, dato che solitamente sono distillati del petrolio e quindi richiedono apparecchiature speciali anche per la loro pericolosità.

E’ possibile però produrre cere mediante un processo più lungo ma altrettanto efficiente dal quale potreste produrre la cera che vi piace di più secondo le vostre intenzioni, partendo dagli Oli.

Ovviamente non è un processo per tutti, ma non è neppure impossibile.


Volendo si può fare anche la paraffina con laboratorio attrezzato a tal proposito. La paraffina può essere prodotta con diversi sistemi, a parte la distillazione del processo Fisher-Tropsch. Ma ci sono altri metodi, quello per idrogenazione degli oli descritto sopra. La sintesi chimica mediante composti organici, dalle quali si ottengono paraffine specifiche per usi particolari. Anche dal riciclaggio delle materie plastiche. Ovviamente molti di questi sistemi devono essere prodotti in laboratori specializzati a tal scopo.


Esempio olio di ricino, oliva, soia, girasole, mais, etc


1. OSSIDAZIONE:  si esegue facendo bollire con forte centrifugazione olio con Perossido di idrogeno o Ossigeno gassoso il quale apporta gruppi funzionali carbossilici e ossidrilici, fino a temperature opportune non superiori alla temperatura di ignizione dei rispettivi reagenti per il perossido è 150°C circa esplode, mai raggiugere neppure i 130°C perchè poi la reazione evolve rapidamente, ma sconsiglio provarci se non si è un minimo esperti. In questa prima fase si deve usare un catalizzatore, tipo stagno, cobalto o altri. Al termine del processo di elimina la parte liquida rimanente.

2   POLIMERIZZAZZIONE: può essere promossa da calore oppure e da catalizzatori, quindi un ulteriore bollitura che eliminerà totalmente la parte idrata dall’olio ossidato. Attenzione che in questa fase è facile che l’olio possa prendere fuoco. Quindi va fatto sotto solo da esperti o da chi ha un laboratorio attrezzato.

3. ESTERIFICAZIONE: questa reazione può essere fatta mediante l’uso di acido solforico, o anche il fosforico o anche enzimi. 

4. CRISTALLIZZAZZIONE:  qui il composto viene raffreddato, filtrato e sottoposto a cristallizzazione. La cristallizzazione può essere controllata o rallentata mediante calore o accelerata. In questa fase si separano diverse parti più liquide fino ad ottenere solo la cera.

 Le cere esistenti sono:

Cere di origine animale:

Cera vergine d’api la più comune e più facile da reperire, non necessità di trattamenti pericolosi, la massimo si può depurarla scaldandola a bassa temperatura oppure mediante un processo si sbianca. 

Lanolina derivata dalla lana

Sego: cera prodotta dal grasso animale, poco usata attualmente, un volta si faceva con questa le candele.

Oli di pesce: Dallo Squalene si ottiene lo Squalano che è una cera.

Cera Vegetale:

Cera carnauba estratta dalla piante della palma Carnauba

Cera Candelilla  dalla stessa pianta

Cera di Soia   

Attenzione che se la sintesi per la produzione della cera di soia da olio di soia o altri oli si utilizza come catalizzatore il Nichel , durante il processo di combustione il nichel volatilizza e la gente lo respira, questo genere di catalizzatore non deve essere tassativamente utilizzato per la produzione di cere, usate altri ma non il Nichel è ovvio che poi ci sono danni da allergie aspecifiche o altro .

Cera di Oliva

Cera di Colza

Cera di Ricino

Olio di Cocco

Burro di karité

Cere di semi che producono Olio


Cere minerali o da petrolio:

Paraffina derivata dalla distillazione del petrolio

Montan Wax  è dalla distillazione della lignite

Cere microcristalline derivate da petrolio.


Cere sintetiche :

cere Polietileniche

cere Polipropileni che

cere Fischjer-Tropsh


Cere Siliconiche

Cere Polidimetilsilossano

Cere Polifenilsillossano

Cere Siliconiche fluorurate



Sostanze che possono essere utilizzate per migliorare le caratteristiche:

Oli minerali e vegetali; resine; polimeri; Antiossidanti; UV stabilizzanti; Coloranti; Profumi; Cariche inerti; Acidi grassi: (acido stearico o stearina; acido laurico, acido miristico, acido palmitico, acido palmitoleico, acido arachidonico, acido linoleico, linolenico, acido lignocerico); acido benzoico; alcune gomme come la xantana. Ci sono anche altre sostanze che si utilizzano per migliorare la combustione delle candele. Per ognuna di queste voci bisognerebbe trattare un argomento a parte, ma sarebbe lungo. Potete fare da voi ricerche in merito, che effetti hanno nelle cere .

Attenzione però accertatevi sempre cosa mescolate alla cere, soprattutto perché poi i prodotti di combustione non devono essere ne tossici, allergici, etc.,  ne produrre odori sgradevoli, ne fare eccessivo fumo. Quindi attenzione massima alla salute.


Questi sono generalmente i processi tradizionali.

Attenzione alla normativa in materia di cera, profumi, se le vostre candele se le volete vendere, mi raccomando dovete essere certi che siano prodotti che abbiano superato gli standard dello Stato dove vivete, ogni nazione ha precise norme da rispettare, solo le cere che riportano una certa dicitura possono essere commercializzate. 

Per i profumi vale la stessa cosa, anzi se volete vendere cere profumate non devono superare la quantià del 10% altrimenti non possono essere vendute.  Per quantità superiori si devono  riportare una precisa dicitura, e devono essere registrate o melgio ridire registrare la vostra miscela altrimenti siete fuori dalla legge.  

Vi ho avvertiti. 

sabato 8 febbraio 2025

La cupidigia e l'avere vi manda all'Inferno .


I beni che uccidono l'uomo!

Non è tanto quel tipo di orologio che manda le persone all'inferno, è la vanità, l'invidia che ci sta dietro, il sentirsi importanti e simili ad altri, il desiderio irrefrenabile che hanno le persone quando si mettono in testa di volere qualsiasi cosa, e fanno debiti per ottenerla. In questo caso l'orologio è solo un simbolo di uno stato di malesseri interiori e di un problema spirituale del vuoto interiore per la mancanza di fede, ma anche di umiltà, e del comprendere che tutto quello che apparentemente ci rende felici in realtà non vale nulla, solo esteriorità, sono simboli di superficialità, ovviamente chi spinge l'essere umano ad aderire a queste pulsioni, sono i demoni che inducono noi esseri umani a comportaci in modo illogico, irrazionale, nella più totale manca di fede e altruismo verso il prossimo, guardando solo al nostro bene. L'orologio di lusso è solo un simbolo di una quantità immensa di altri cose molto simili, che in questo mondo pullulano. L'incapacità di rinunciare ai beni materiali, porta l'uomo all'inferno, chi si circonda di cose esteriori rischia questa fine.  Imparate a rinunciare alle cose non solo che non servono, ma anche a quelle che servono, guardate la vita di Gesù, viveva di poche cose e si accontentava di quello che aveva, non cercava il sovrappiù, non gli interessavano le ricchezze del mondo, gli bastava quello che erano le offerte della gente e anche non troppo. 

Quindi se volete la vita eterna liberatevi del sovrappiù, Yahuah vi ascolta e vi da quello che avete bisogno, secondo la vostra posizione, mansione e vita o famiglia. Ma non vi aspettate da lui troppo perchè non ve lo darà. Vi da quello che è giusto per la vostra sopravvivenza ma non vi farà ricchi, perchè la ricchezza porta all'inferno, infatti Cristo disse: "I ricchi hanno già avuto la loro ricompensa" oppure "Guardate i gigli come crescono: non faticano e non filano; eppure io vi dico che neanche Salomone, con tutta la sua gloria, si vestì come uno di loro."Luc. 12,27-34;  Quindi nella semplicità c'è la più grande bellezza, non nel truccarsi, nel vestirsi, nell'avere per apparire qualcun altro ; oppure : "Guardate gli uccelli del cielo: non seminano, né mietono, né ammassano nei granai; eppure il Padre vostro celeste li nutre." Matt: 6,25-33.  Come dire se vi affidate a Dio, vi farà trovare pure il cibo o un lavoro umile adatto a voi. 

lunedì 3 febbraio 2025

Patent activating and accelerating extracellular matrix.

 Patent activating and accelerating extracellular matrix.

This is just a brief summary of the potential of the product.

Ax3, is a conventional name is a patent that covers a SIGNIFICANT amount of applications and in some cases can replace some drugs and in many others instead can enhance the drugs themselves, furthermore it can attenuate or make the serious side effects of various drugs currently on the market disappear.

If we think about the cost today of life-saving therapies for diabetes alone, its use would drastically reduce the problems related to the intake of traditional drugs, furthermore the side effects of Diabetes would no longer exist.

If we also consider the other pathologies that Ax3 can effectively perform even alone the same role as much more renowned drugs, without any negative side effects, considering every evaluation of the sector. Furthermore, given that drugs stimulating and activating the extracellular matrix do not exist, we can consider that we are faced with a product, completely revolutionary in its kind.

The present invention is a topical pharmacological or/and para-pharmaceutical product, with systemic effect, whose use serves to regenerate, repair, heal, reactivate, accelerate all biological processes of cells of any body location, both for humans and animals. It can also be used as a cosmetic appropriately diluted or added with other substances, it enhances the effects thanks to its particular reactivity. It is not an easy product to produce, on the contrary; furthermore, the formula is specifically designed not to be easily reproducible or salificabile, in the patent some processing phases have been purposely removed to prevent its reproducibility.

The formulation has been specifically designed in this way to obtain the best results in terms of pharmacological and biological compatibility without giving side effects of toxicity, it does not contain toxic metals, it is not allergenic (except for allergy to a derivative of fatty acids, for which after treatment it no longer exists), it is not teratogenic, nor carcinogenic either in the short or long term. The product is designed to obtain the best possible result adapted for anyone from newborns to the elderly in a single product.

For greater clarity in the drafting of the text, the provisional name of the product, with the acronym AX3.

Ax3 is basically a regenerating, activating, healing agent with rapid action of extracellular-stem nature, in fact it has been tested directly on various subjects; applied to any type of wound even significantly large and deep, the product treats and heals the lesions in a time ranging from 1/7 to 1/3 less than the normal healing time of the organism. In practice, a wound can heal from 1-7 days, against 10-30 days or more. With wound we mean not only the closure of the skin lesion but also the growth of the underlying structures, such as veins, muscles, tendons, etc. The skin heals and closes completely in a few hours.

Its healing action takes place not only at the skin level but also internally, with equal speed of action, for a surprising number of pathologies, gradually increasing, up to now not yet fully evaluated.

Ax3, the fundamental quality of the product manifests itself towards the cells that are at the base, of all the functions, of the human body, therefore it has the ability to activate the extracellular matrix and consequently the stem cells, which are at the base of all the regenerative processes of the organism, for which it is able, to activate these cells accelerate their functions and greatly increase the immune capabilities of the body

Ultimately Ax3, is a drug in its own right, but it can prevent traditional drugs from creating damage, in some cases it enhances the effects of these, and in all cases it drastically reduces the toxic effects both in the short and long term. In addition, it provides interesting characteristics to accelerate the healing of the patient, consequently reducing public, health expenditure, hospitalization.

For topical use (on the skin): Ax3, from tests carried out on volunteer patients, it has been found that the topical use of Ax3 must not be done in association with other skin products, nor by overlapping, nor by mixing.

How Ax3 works:

The product acts in two different and consequential ways:

-outside the body, that is, on its surface, that is, the skin (when it is spread on the skin) and once penetrated -inside the body, through the skin.

This dynamic occurs through osmotic and gravitational effect; the product spread on the skin, immediately, in a few minutes penetrates until it reaches the deep venous flow.

Ax3, as soon as it penetrates the skin, is, in part, transformed into a particular phospholipid that captures lipids and no longer allows them to deposit in the cells and on the venous walls, until they reach the liver where they are transformed and eliminated permanently, from the body, without producing toxic metabolites.

Ax3 also acts as a lipo-draining and diuretic, increases the elimination of waste through urine, placed on the lymph node area, dissolves internal obstructions by eliminating them, thus allowing a better circulation of lymphatic substances and drugs.

Excess toxic metabolites will be expelled through the hepatic and renal network.

Ax3 on the skin surface:

The explanation of how the AX3 product works and how it works is derived from the observation of treated subjects and some in vitro experiments. The tests were carried out on +800 volunteer subjects, who experimented with Ax3 over a period of 10 years. Applied externally, on scars and burns of varying degrees and extension; used to treat and relieve pain; both traumatic, rheumatic, and produced by other alterations such as for example the pain from herpes zoster (shingles) and the side effects, it enhances the effect of the antiviral drug; It eliminates inflammation of various origins, both cutaneous and deep purulent abscesses; it does not produce any negative side effects, neither short nor long term, it is not teratogenic, nor carcinogenic, nor cytotoxic, it does not produce allergies, unless the subject is allergic, but it is very rare, as with every existing drug.

Ax3 and blood.

In contact with blood it creates a polymeric film in a few moments, stopping bleeding quickly, subsequently after 3-5 hours a process of skin formation from polymerized blood has been highlighted.

How does skin formation occur?

AX3, on the damaged skin surface is able, in contact with blood, to stimulate the formation of skin from blood, because it stimulates the extracellular matrix which in turn activates the stem cells contained in it and transforms them into epithelial cells or other types of cells, with the formation of a very thin, practically transparent layer of skin - in a case of serious injury to the fingertip it was even possible to observe the formation of skin with fingerprints - over the hours following the application of the product, a thickening of the skin was observed to cover the entire surface of the wound, once the superficial healing process is finished the product acts on the damaged structures underneath, regenerating any organ found under the wound (lacerations, veins, muscles, etc.). In fact, the healing process is the reverse of the natural one, which occurs from the inside out, in this case it occurs from the outside in.

And there is the total disappearance of the wound in a few days maximum 5-7, even for very serious wounds; furthermore the scar literally disappears and the skin can tan. Ax3, provides the cells, a large amount of energy, which is released immediately, putting the cells in the best conditions to immediately operate regeneration and a fast growth beyond normal. The product also acts as a very powerful bacteriostatic, antifungal and antiviral contact, effectively preventing the penetration of pathogens into the wound, the same does not even need to be disinfected.

Ax3 also has antifungal activity, it has been studied on numerous patients, which is able to block the growth activity of fungi, effectively preventing their proliferation; for example on onychomycosis, in a few months it has solved the problem for several subjects.

As an antibacterial, the product has eliminated infections of various types, both positive and negative, especially anaerobic ones. To facilitate the destruction of aerobic bacteria, the product can be improved by adding very small quantities (ppm) of silver and copper, or germanium or other elements, as provided for by the patent. Therefore, types of skin infections caused by pathological factors are treated. I have discovered, but not yet fully understood how it performs its functions; the product is able to repair damage from ionizing radiation (such as ulcers, burns, etc.) and also eliminate the radioactive effects of the same.

Action of Ax3 inside the body.

It should be specified that in this particular case the substance is always applied externally, i.e. on the skin, topical use.

The experiments were carried out on many subjects, who voluntarily experimented with the external application of the product, but for internal problems; ranging from: healing, burns, edema, cellulite, thrombosis, hematomas, thick blood, blood loss, clotting problems, venous insufficiency, venous ulcers, sclerosis, stenosis, memory loss, problems related to myelin membranes, tendonitis, high blood pressure, various types of heart problems, pleurisy, bronchopneumonia, asthma, problems related to smokers, respiratory failure, emphysema, liver failure, kidney damage, prostatitis, diabetes mellitus, otitis (hearing recovery even without eardrum), thyroid, increased level of attention, accelerates the healing of bone fractures and reverses severe osteoporosis, lymphatic drainage action, antitumor action, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, painkiller, anti-inflammatory, etc. no negative side effects of any kind, neither short nor long term, of a serious nature. The explanation of how the AX3 product works and how it works is derived from the observation of the subjects treated. Ax3, it is not possible to control its diffusion in the organism since each cell absorbs it completely and uses it, therefore wherever it is placed, (as happens with any drug that is ingested, in this case however, no internal organ transforms it, because the skin has partly "transformed" it), when the epithelial and deeper cells are no longer able to assimilate it (habituation) they let it pass directly into the blood flow, everywhere in the organism. Of course, if it were applied on the ankles, for example, it takes longer to reach distant sites, (head) but in any case it would reach them, in a longer time. While if the product is applied, on the neck, groin, belly due to the high capillarization of the areas, and the presence of large blood vessels, it acts quickly.

Ax3 is carried everywhere in the organism in a few minutes.

The first of all the effects that are felt, the slight sensation in the mouth of bitterness, to some subjects it can give a sense of euphoria and to many it gives a feeling of general energy.

The most evident effect after skin penetration is the dissolution of venous or arterial cholesterol, which can be found, deposited in the lumen of the veins, arteries.

Ax3 is a topical product with systemic action, it penetrates through the skin by both osmotic absorption and crossing without any resistance from the dermis (the product is also able to cross some types of plastics), some cells are avid for AX3, to the point of absorbing it completely as it is, while others let it pass through, without suffering any damage from it. The product usually descends by gravity, between the cells, but it is mainly absorbed and "transformed" by the cells themselves that break it down and absorb all its components, leaving no residue of the same, as the product is perfectly biocompatible with the organism, when these have been well nourished by the product, and have adapted to the product, they let it pass without resistance, practically the product shapes the cells in such a way as to be compatible with it. The following treatment brings the product directly into the venous lumen; first the capillaries, then the veins and finally the arteries, but this process can also occur at a certain speed, with two mechanisms, one linked to the very low fluidity of the product, the other instead to the environmental temperature that decreases the density and also to the quantity of product placed in place. Therefore a temperature of at least 21 degrees Celsius is necessary, to obtain optimal absorption in a short time.

The difference between an application for external use only; which in reality is marginal, because the product penetrates the organism anyway, producing internal effects.

The product performs two different actions …

We can say one external to the organism and one internal to the organism, clearly different, even if similar.

External action …

First of all, the product due to its characteristics is able to absorb any substance, whether gaseous, solid or liquid, is very reactive, although it does not cause any allergies if created exactly (following my process).

Ax3 if placed in contact with the plasma (external wound) it polymerizes the plasma itself, filming it and transforming it into a film that effectively prevents the penetration of any pathogen, and not only that, it has an insecticidal action, therefore it prevents the approach of insects. The polymerization of the plasma occurs not only through the product, but through direct contact with the air… In fact, Ax3 absorbs gases present in the air, mainly oxygen and nitrogen …

Internal action ….

While when the product has already passed through the dermis and is inside the organism, this polymerizing effect does not occur because to occur it must be in contact with air .... Without the third element, i.e. air, it does not polymerize the blood, on the contrary, it acts as a light fluidifier, in this case instead of absorbing air it causes an osmotic action of extraction of water that will bind with it, so it also has an action of eliminating excess cellular water.

These effects were found with an experiment of occlusive bandaging, with plastic film on wounds, if the wound is tightly bandaged without allowing air to flow, the polymerization of the blood does not occur, the skin releases water that instead of healing the lesion quickly exerts a negative factor, therefore tending to decompose the skin. Therefore it is best not to cover the wounds until the moment in which new dermis forms on them.

In fact, when Ax3 reaches the plasma in the veins and arteries, it does not cause the formation of clots, but rather has an opposite effect, because the product, not finding gas with which to react together with the plasma, binds with water and other liquid or solid substances, this effect does not cause platelet aggregation, with the possible formation of thrombi, but rather does the exact opposite, it acts powerfully against fibrins, and quickly disintegrates thrombi. Producing the dissolution of all thrombotic structures and at the same time normalizes the structures of the treated area and surrounding areas, but also disintegrates fat masses, liquefies cholesterol and slowly dissolves the sclerotic structures of the arteries. In fact, bringing the lumen of the same to normalization, it also makes the mobility of veins and arteries elastic, prevents blood spills and if there is a plasma leakage it blocks it and reabsorbs it.

In cases of fat or cholesterol obstruction of the main veins and arteries, Ax3 quickly dissolves the cholesterol present in solid form and liquefies it, effectively allowing the liver to rapidly expel the waste product, which is partly eliminated through the feces or transformed into energy.

Ax3 acts as a normalizer for all bodily functions, consequently becoming an indispensable, we can say vital, product for certain pathologies.

Everything depends on the type of pathology, and also on the time of application. In addition to the patient's problems; for example, in the case of type 1 or 2 diabetes, if assimilation occurs quickly, as soon as you notice that the blood sugar level slightly exceeds the maximum levels (100) and is stable over time, it would be a good idea to apply the Ax3 product. In this way, you avoid having to take insulin or other drugs and, in a certain period of time, you can also suspend or reduce the applications of the product.

While in the case where the pathology has already existed for a certain number of years, we must keep in mind that the human body gets used to the presence of even high doses of insulin, which throws the whole organism out of order and creates even serious collateral problems, such as heart disease, vascular disease, etc.; the introduction of Ax3, instead, allows in a short time to be able to reduce the dosages of insulin, the product as has been demonstrated by numerous tests on volunteers, in the space of a few days is able to lower blood sugar levels with the simultaneous intake of insulin from values ​​over 300 to values ​​< 80, when only the injection of insulin lowers this level by just 70, keeping them stable continuously and with values ​​not exceeding 90 (always with combined insulin treatment), the subject can, in the space of a few weeks, return to a completely normal life, can return to eating even those substances that are dangerous to him, certainly in moderation, but in any case, it is possible.

This is to say, that the more a disease is established in the body and long-standing, the greater the difficulty of the product to bring the body to a total resolution, precisely because the body has become accustomed to that substance, but the positive effects are seen within a few days. However, in the case of diabetes mellitus, it has been shown that the side effects caused by glycemic swings, and the excesses of insulin that cause in the long run, real collateral pathologies, such as heart disease, phlebitis, dilation of superficial veins, eye problems, etc. all these pathologies disappear within 1-3 months of treatment, in relation to the quantity of the product used, the subject is able to resume normal activity, furthermore there is a notable recovery of respiratory capacity, they are able to move easily and return to sports, they can walk for a long time, even for two hours, without getting tired, blood pressure is slightly lowered, in a continuous way (*A), provided that constant treatment with the product is done, but not excessive, Ax3 allows a normalization of blood circulation throughout the body, avoids dialysis. Ax3 acts at the level of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans, in which it carries out its activity, here it blocks the excessive production of glucagon, normalizing its function, but also at the level of the pituitary gland, where it intervenes to decrease hormone levels, which induce the production of glucocorticoids. Ax3 also acts on thyroid cells, normalizing the activity of the gland, interesting to note that blood sugar was measured both after a meal and away from a meal, the values ​​are not very different, this makes it clear that Ax3 dominates hormonal activities in a powerful way, always placing the organism in a normal state. It also stimulates the production of adrenaline and noradrenaline, because all the subjects treated say they have much more energy, strength and feel better overall, even after a few applications.

Ax3 must absolutely not be used orally, i.e. ingested, because the product has a strong reactivity with hydrochloric acid producing ulcers, furthermore the product at very low doses of just 1-4 mg produces strong dysentery.

It must not be injected into a vein, risk of embolism.

At a muscular / skeletal level:

Ax3 at a muscular level is able to repair damage from muscle injuries such as tears caused by sports or sudden movements, or from lactic acid attacks, or from spasms or damage resulting from heart disease. In fact, the application of the product at the neck and chest level leads to complete healing of cardiac damage, with the disappearance of cardiac lesions, being markedly systemic, it easily penetrates both the venous and arterial bloodstream, especially if the product is applied to the neck or in situ, where the skin is thinner and where the large vessels are very superficial.

The application for 10 days, 3 times a day, promotes the healing of heart muscle lesions (due to tachycardia, fibrillation, etc., it is known that each complication of this type leads to micro-tears of the muscle, with consequent side effects, because the heart is fundamentally a muscle and acts as such) Ax3 repairs the damage and normalizes the heartbeat, I do not want to exaggerate but in some patients they have eliminated the problem of heart disease. However, you must be careful not to continue the treatment with the use of a small amount of product no more than 10-15 days max and alternate it with periods of total inactivity, even for a month, otherwise the product could reverse the situation and produce a bradycardia effect.

In fact, we know that heart attacks are caused by continuous lacerations of the heart muscle fibrils, which are no longer repaired and form scars, which prevent a correct stimulation of electrical conduction in the heart, resulting in an irregular heartbeat, Ax3 instead allows the recovery of the heart muscle, the repair of muscle scars.

Ax3 muscles The same thing happens for the muscles, so the product is excellent for athletes who want to have more strength, and greater resistance to fatigue and rapid recovery without damage, after particularly intense and tiring sports or work, etc.

Ax3 acts as a powerful painkiller; it practically blocks the nervous impulse.

From a skeletal point of view, Ax3 acts on the bones, activates remineralization, although it is not a mineralizer, therefore allows a faster healing from bone lesions, fractures, operations, even osteoporosis, in the case of osteoporosis it has been found that the substance increases the assimilation of calcium in the treated area, effectively accelerating healing; in this case it is possible during the Ax3 production process to add small quantities of silicon as per the patent, which greatly facilitate the remineralization of the bone. Ax3 also acts as a disintegrator of calcified masses, it is not the product that acts as a decalcifier, but it is the body that through the use of the product in a certain area, carries out a function of disintegration of the calcified mass, through the production of certain substances that allow such disintegration.

Solubilizes cholesterol and helps its disposal:

Ax3 is able to act directly on the lumen of the veins and arteries by dissolving cholesterol, binding to it through a particular phospholipid that breaks down fat masses and cholesterol and makes it liquid, preventing it from being deposited again in the cells, thus slowly all the veins and arteries are cleaned of the deposited fat that is carried by the bloodstream to the liver for its metabolization and total elimination.

But the liver itself is affected by the product, which is absorbed with impressive avidity, partly metabolized, but also the enormous quantity of other substances, partly also hormonal that AX3 produces while it is carried by the bloodstream, the constant use of Ax3 also helps the liver, to self-repair, allowing above all the elimination of waste that would otherwise be deposited in the hepatic structures. In part, the thrombi are also made up of mixed coagulative formations where not only platelets are present, but also a part of fat, minerals, etc., so the product also acts on these.

Powerful anti-inflammatory effect:

Ax3 is able to carry out a powerful anti-inflammatory effect at both a local and deep level, probably because it forces healthy cells to produce certain substances, including hormonal ones, it is likely that it produces steroid effects, it certainly acts both locally and in depth, but also at a cerebral level. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect is mainly linked to the healing of the problem, the faster the healing, the faster the inflammation of the part, therefore the pain decreases. But of course it also has a direct action on the problem, not yet well understood. It should be noted, however, that the product does not act in any way on the subject's ability to balance, does not blur the vision, does not have excitatory effects, does not cause gastric problems, does not have even one of the harmful side effects of drugs known today.

Pulmonary problems.

Clear expectorant effect, with topical applications, on the back in a few days solves any problem related to pneumonia, occlusive bronchitis, pleurisy, lack of air, enhances the absorption of atmospheric oxygen, etc. Activity has been highlighted at the pulmonary level, in acting in a fluidifying and expectorant way on dense mucus. The same reaction occurs by placing the product on the skin at the nasal level, frees and decongests the airways, greatly facilitating healing. Given its peculiarities, the product is able to repair internal epithelial damage to the lungs, even damage from other causes. It can be used excellently in cases of asthma, emphysema and respiratory failure, significantly improves the symptoms if they already persist, significantly increases the capacity to retain oxygen. Application on the neck promotes rapid oxygenation of the brain and also the heart. Therefore it can be applied up to 4 times a day, in severe cases, (but always in reduced doses on application on the neck). Always massaging vigorously to accelerate penetration, do not use too much. After application, the product should never be removed.

Solar, thermal, radiation burns.:

1. It can be placed over burns, it has a greater effect if used as soon as the damage occurs, effectively preventing the formation of blisters with serum. It has been used on various types of burns, both mild and severe, naturally the longer the application time the better the result, if the product is applied after a few hours, of course you cannot hope to avoid some typical effects of burns, but certainly healing occurs in a shorter time. While if the product is applied over the burn immediately after the burn, immediately followed by the formation of the beginning of new skin, if the burn is also bloody even better.

2. In burns and ulcers from ionizing radiation, the product was used for the first time by a doctor from Padua, who could not find a drug on the market capable of solving the problem, radiation burns due to radiotherapy, extended to the face and head. The doctor applied a powerful ointment from the USA on one side of the face, the best on the pharmaceutical market, so I was told, the other side of the face, Ax3 was used, it took just a few days for the doctor to see the positive and surprising results of Ax3. After 5 days, from the beginning of the application, the doctor saw the total remission of the problem, the American ointment had not led to anything, even after 3 months.


AX3 is suitable for the treatment against gangrene and all necrotizing processes, prevents the development of both degenerative and inflammatory processes, and quickly promotes the recovery of their normal biological activity. Recovery of damaged parts, reversal of the necrotizing process is also suitable for chilblains, frostbite, circulatory problems of various types. The necrotizing process is interrupted thanks to the peculiarities of the product that dissolves the obstructions in the epidermal capillaries and then in the deeper veins up to the arteries, frees them from any obstruction, at large doses of the product greatly accelerates the process of repair and cellular regeneration. Therefore in the case of gangrene, the greater the product applied, the better and faster the body's response will be.

Concomitant action with drugs:

For systemic use, (meaning that it penetrates and expands and is carried by the blood throughout the body), Ax3. The drug Ax3 attenuates the negative effects of drugs, protects the immune system and the patient's metabolism.

The use of Ax3 concomitantly with other drugs.


It has been shown that concomitant use with Cumadin, as a fluidifier, has the advantage of preventing Cumadin itself from creating subcutaneous blood micron-extravasations; It also prevents the rupture of blood vessels, but it is best not to use it in conjunction with the use of this or other similar drugs, due to the fact that the product significantly enhances the fluidifying effects and pharmacological characteristics, otherwise you should reduce the intake of Cumadin or even stop it, since Ax3 basically performs a similar action, promoting the fluidification of the blood, but in a different way from the pharmaceutical fluidizers known today and certainly does not have the harmful effects of Cumadin itself or Warfarin.

On the one hand it prevents some negative side effects, but on the other it enhances the effects of the drugs themselves, so you have to be very careful, for example Cumadin is used to keep the blood liquid, the external use of Ax3 which then becomes internal systemic, for fast deep tissue penetration, acts both locally and in the entire system, but first it acts locally in promoting the repair of the treated area, then as it is used in the following days it accumulates and begins to act in other districts too, but everything depends on the quantities used, if you use a little before it acts locally, if you use a lot it acts both locally and simultaneously in the whole organism in a systemic way.

While with other drugs such as ASA with a similar fluidifying effect, an equally concomitant effect has not been demonstrated, probably due to different molecules and action, but it has not been tested with all drugs of this type.

But this is very relative to the organism itself, not all people react to the product in the same way.

Blood Pressure, Low:

You have to be very careful, for those who suffer from low blood pressure, the product has the tendency to normalize the pressure if high, but if a certain amount is exceeded, in accumulation in the body it tends to lower it and when this effect begins, it does not rise again until after a certain period of time, which can go from a day to a few days, in this it also counteracts the drugs to raise it, so you have to be careful about how much you use; because it is very powerful.

Never sprinkle the whole body, with the product, there is a tendency for people to do this, contrary to what is recommended, doing it yourself, because in a short time the person feels well, already at the first application, especially in the case of diabetes, for which the person tends to use it in quantities even if low but extended over the whole body, do not do it, except for very serious reasons and only under the strict supervision of a doctor. Therefore use the product only locally, that is, in areas even a little large, with a diameter of 20cm and/or even with low quantities spread over a larger surface, but never over the entire body.


The use of Ax3 concomitantly with insulin intake prevents its negative side effects, stimulating the body to produce hormones that the body does not produce in the case of type 1/2 diabetes, and opposing the action of hormones such as glucagon known in scientific literature to be at the root of diabetes-induced problems. It prevents insulin in the long term from determining the known negative side effects, which are mainly cardiovascular, therefore gradually reduces over time, until the so-called spider skin determined by inflammation of the blood vessels disappears.

It increases the body's ability to counteract and break down any cardiac and vascular symptoms, reducing varicose veins until they disappear, it acts simultaneously as an anti-thrombotic, fibrinolytic, slightly increasing the fluidity of the plasma (alone). It keeps the lumen of the arteries and veins free from cholesterol thanks to its lipo-fluidifying action, effectively preventing its deposit in the cells and inside the blood vessels.

It does not interact with antibiotics, nor with chemotherapy, nor with other types of drugs, (but not all of them have been researched)

A clear decrease in toxic side effects has been found on all drugs, giving the body greater resistance to treatment.

List and summary of pathologies

That have been found and treated so far on subjects who have given their free consent for the experimental use of the product:

More than 500 subjects treated more than every age group and social class.

1. Rapid hemostatic action,

2. Formation of skin from blood.

3. Powerful contact bacteriostatic, kills almost all bacteria, effectively eliminates mycosis, is also an antiviral, can block the activity of herpes zoster and accelerates healing.

4. Very powerful capacity for cellular regeneration, accelerates the healing of wounds 1/7-1/3 less than the normal healing speed of the body. At the state of the art there is no drug capable of doing this.

4.a. It has a powerful analgesic action, allows the movement of the joints, even after a single application which also lasts a long time.

5. Tissue penetration is very rapid, there is no barrier in the body that can hold it, it penetrates any tissue and district, can even pass the encephalic membrane and also penetrates the bones, and is capable of reducing bone thickening.

6. Dissolves and destroys skin nodules, eliminates thrombosis and even deep clots eliminates ischemic problems, aortic plaques, coronary heart disease, ischemic problems, debilitating diseases, even serious ones.

7. Significant recovery on the cognitive function of the elderly.

8. Makes the lumen of veins and arteries plastic, elastic and normalizes functions.

9. Has a liposomal action on tissues and lymph nodes, eliminates skin and venous fat.

10. Dissolves and liquefies cholesterol in veins and arteries, resolutely freeing obstructions.

11. Upon contact with wounds, it films the blood, does not form a crust but a layer similar to a plastic film (polymer) that protects the wound from any external pathogen.

12. Blocks and reabsorbs hematomas, edema, internal extravasations, even deep ones.

13. Rehabilitative after surgery, accelerates healing.

14. Repairs tissue damage of any muscle, including the heart, etc.

15. Eliminates burns of any nature in a very short time (be careful because it could be painful).

16. Eliminates radiation ulcers, prevents the formation of diseased dermis and therefore also degenerations.

17. At the bone level it reduces pain in a short time and after a short time also eliminates the problem of bone inflammation.

18. Allows rapid recovery, in fractures, and helps rapid remineralization of the bone.

19. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic action, Arthritis, rheumatism, osteoporosis, fractures, tendinopathies, blocks any pain of any origin, simultaneously curing the problem.

20. Has demonstrated effective anti-inflammatory action.

21. Powerful decongestant action, expectorant of the pulmonary mucous membranes, accelerates the healing of bronchitis and pneumonia, also suitable for smokers and for problems related to respiratory failure.

22. In the case of necrosis, chilblains it is able to accelerate healing times.

23. Also suitable for recovery from sports stress, lying on the calves gives a strong energy charge to the leg muscles, which do not produce lactic acid.

24. It has been tested on patients with type 1-2 diabetes, finding an exceptional recovery, by the subject, who gradually with time and the continuation of the treatment decreases the insulin injections or other drugs. It maintains constant levels of insulin in the blood, even after having ingested foods absolutely forbidden for diabetics.

25. An antipyorrhoea effect has been found when used inside the mouth, it solves the problem quite quickly.

26. Scalp normalizer (be careful not to stay upright, only lying down and with your head tilted back)

27. At the hearing level, a strange phenomenon was found, to be studied, a subject with tympanic perforation derived from otitis at birth and various surgical interventions, AX3 was applied externally, for a period of 90 days, around the auricle and on the neck, subsequently an audiometric test was done and 50% hearing recovery was found, without tympanic membrane.

28. at the muscular level: it has an energizing effect, gives a lot of energy to the muscle, repairs tears, and helps its reconstruction, in the case of sports and training it is useful for increasing performance and decreasing stress, decreases physical effort and increases performance.

29.Lipodrenante effect: It is able to slowly dissolve fat over time, action against skin blemishes.

30.It eliminates cholesterol from the blood, very quickly.

31.It has shown to have a powerful anti-inflammatory and draining action in carpal tunnel syndromes, regenerating cartilage.

32.Also suitable for reducing pain from tendon inflammation, ligament rupture, excessive strain and damage to nerve structures, tears, and various deteriorations, probably constant use can drastically reduce injuries and even heal them.

33. Also suitable for nodose vasculitis and epidermal ulcerations, after several tests on subjects who volunteered, I found healing in a shorter time than usual drugs, especially because some alterations are often of different origin and nature, significantly prolonging the healing times of the lesions

34. It does not intervene to modify liver and kidney functions.

35. At the rectal level, the product easily eliminates both fissures and hemorrhoids.

36. It has an antifungal effect, effectively fights even old lesions of years, in a time of 30-60 days, of onychomycosis, regenerates nails, which return to their origin, regrows skin and flesh.

37. It deflates the lower limbs, increases peripheral and deep blood circulation, often due to stasis, also disappears swelling of the ankles, eliminates liquid deposits.

38. Increases the life expectancy of a patient and we can say that it prolongs life.

39. Normalizes all hormonal functions

40. Effectively treats bronchitis, lungs, and helps in the prevention of influenza, accelerating the garrison, acts as an expectorant, treats and helps the healing of various types of lung problems, pulmonary emphysema, problems related to smokers, etc.

41. Also treats male problems, such as varicocele (be careful not to apply it in sensitive and irritable areas)

42. Treats problems related to lymphopathies with a draining effect.

43. Eliminates skin ulcers.

44. Gives energy to the body in case of stress and sports. Excellent for athletes, increases sports performance.

45. Can also be used for other purposes, produces heat with rubbing. Excellent for wellness centers.

46.It is able to attenuate and eliminate the toxic effects of drugs currently on the market, it can accentuate their healing properties and depress the negative ones.

47.Currently, there is no research underway to establish whether the product can help with anti-tumor therapy or be an anti-tumor, but from a few experiments it seems it could also be an anti-tumor.

48.It has a repellent action against insects and also animals.

49.The uses of the product have not yet been fully examined, therefore it can have a wider use, given that the product is fundamentally a catalyst and transporter, accelerator, regenerator, reactivator, healing and cellular normalizer, but mainly its function focuses on the extracellular matrix, which when activated makes the whole organism react.

50.The product enhances the effect of cosmetics, only in a mix created by me, to the point that in just three days, it eliminates wrinkles.

51.It does not affect blood pressure, unless there is a large amount of total cholesterol.

52.It does not cause any collateral damage to the body, (only if associated with other drugs)

54. It cleanses the lymph nodes and lymphatic channels, through chemical lymphatic drainage action.

Toxicity and allergy:

AX3 has not yet given any evidence of toxicity at a local or systemic level, neither in the short nor in the long term, nor does it produce allergenic effects of any kind (except for specific personal allergies). A 70-year-old female subject was taken as a sample, 8 years after the start of treatments with AX3, no toxic, teratogenic, mutagenic or allergic effects at a systemic level have yet been found. If applied on large areas of skin, especially the abdomen and neck, it can give a bitter sensation in the mouth, which is barely perceptible, which makes it clear that it is absorbed systemically.

Uses of AX3 as a cosmetic product.

AX3, appropriately diluted in various compatible substances, can be used as a cosmetic product, it enhances its qualities, contributes to better elasticizing the skin, giving a youthful appearance with definitely anti-aging effects. Dilution with some essences especially: limonene, citrus, mint, geraniol, etc., almost completely cancels its therapeutic properties, so even without dilution the product would no longer be a drug, but takes on the typical characteristics of a cosmetic.

The product has been mixed with different substances, in the use of cosmetics, it enhances them, so much so that the product improves the cosmetic so much that it can replace some substances such as hyaluronic acid or enhance it. So much so that in the case of anti-wrinkle, it can eliminate them in just a few days. The union with other substances as already mentioned achieves the effect of partially destroying the healing effects, but promotes skin penetration, naturally the quantity of product used is much lower than that used as a drug.

Ax3 can be mixed with many other chemical products and drugs for topical use, such as creams, they are enhanced and brought inside the body, even cosmetics enhancing their effects, I produced an anti-wrinkle without hyaluronic acid.

Absorption is related to the type of skin and the ambient temperature.


1. You can place it on the part, spreading it only, without massaging, letting it penetrate, this is useful for lesions and scars, cuts, abrasions, bruises

2. Gently massaging, to help penetration., on painful veins, legs, arms, body.

3. Vigorously massaging to increase penetration and warm the treated part. For sports use, for the back, lungs, stomach, legs, arms. The product, if rubbed on the skin, produces intense heat.

4. Use of thick gauze pads, or sterile cotton pads, soak in the product and apply it to the problem area, (avoid this solution with the pad on the neck (not cervical), the sternum (heart area), and the upper part of the stomach); bandage to hold still, wait for the product to be completely absorbed, this type of application is useful during the night. It can be used for many pathologies, both skin, bone, tendon, venous, muscular, etc.


It goes from just 1 time a day, up to a maximum of 3-4 times a day or more depending on the lesion.

Do not exceed the maximum quantity of product 0.1-2cc. To be spread by hand, on a large area.

While with a tampon even 5cc, this is mainly used to make an aggressive action when serious problems occur, or when you want to make a strong action.


Ax3 should not be drunk, it is not for oral use, if a few drops (2-4max) end up in the stomach it causes strong diarrhea.

The product should not be poured into a spoon or steel container, but directly on the diseased part, with a dropper, or poured into the palm of the hand.

Be careful not to touch your eyes, if it happens you will feel a burning sensation, just rinse and wash thoroughly with fresh water that the sensation will quickly disappear, there are no harmful side effects to the eye, some people have put it in their eyes saying they had a recovery of their sight, but I do not recommend doing so.

The product must not be stored in the refrigerator or in the cold, it tolerates high temperatures above 50 degrees, but not low temperatures below +5 ° C

After application the product should never be removed, wait for it to be completely absorbed, do not clean the part with soap or detergents.

Do not mix it with other products or reactive or flammable chemicals

I add some photographs

to demonstrate the validity of the product ...

These photos are in reference to wounds that I accidentally caused.

Left Knee

The first photo was taken immediately after the fact, and was produced by a steel plate, which cut deeply into the knee down to the bone, which was visible....naturally; for various reasons, I could not stay still for many hours so as soon as the wound closed about 4 hours after applying AX3, I started walking again, with difficulty, but I managed it, keeping in mind that with this product, the normal edemas do not appear, there is no swelling, nor pain. Obviously I did not bandage the wound, because it should not be bandaged, the product avoids contamination of any kind.

The second photo shows the total disappearance of the lesion in a short time, exactly 5 days, the small trace that remained in the center is due to the fact that I moved, so the wound reopened every now and then, and as you well know if the skin does not remain still it does not close perfectly so on the sides the wound disappeared while in the center it is barely visible, this is evidence that it is real...

Left Hand

In this sequence of images, the wound was accidental due to my distraction, and caused by an axe, I was chopping wood, so the violence of the blow was considerable, it could have come off the finger, so much so that I had considered going to the hospital, but since the finger was attached, I thought of experimenting with my drug, to see if it could also reconnect the cut tendons, because in that point the tendons, ligaments are numerous, the bone from what I saw by opening the wound well had been cut a little, so much so that I could not move the finger, but I was sure that my drug would also fixed the bone, and in fact it was.

As you can see the first picture shows exactly the diamond of the hand, affected by the cut of the axe, from the knuckle of the index finger of the left hand, to the first lower part of the hand (palm), a cut like that at the hospital they would have certainly given me stitches, with the consequence that in any case, a mark would have remained. and most likely the use of the finger would not have been as before, without the use of my medicine.

The second picture shows already after a short time the closure of the wound, with normal coagulation even if in this case, the coagulation is not exactly identical, because in reality a coagulative film is formed. also in this case there is no blood transfer, no pain, and very little swelling since the first day.

The third picture is from another angle...

note the time...from 12:01 to 12:33 the deep wound was already closed.

After 4 days the wound is completely closed, healed, even if in the upper part, since I moved and on purpose to leave a visible trace, otherwise someone would have said it wasn't true... on the palm part a sign is slightly visible, as well as on the back.

And all in record time..... one thing, the bone is back to normal, the tendons and ligaments are all in place, the hand works wonderfully, as before...

Same for the knee...

Recently I discovered after other investigations and experiments that the product can effectively cure some neuro-degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, ALS, etc...

And it is able to reduce and control the tumor mass, or better to say that it actually destroys the tumor, at least the skin ones.

Another thing, this drug of mine is capable of neutralizing the toxic effects of aluminum that the US kindly launches into the atmosphere... ;)

Not only recently between 2020 and 2021 a destructive effect was found against the sars-cov2 virus, and certainly also for the variants, a subject used Ax3 on his daughter who after ending up in a wheelchair due to adverse effects from the vaccine within 2 months completely recovered brain and organic functions, so Ax3 destroys the side effects of the spike protein, probably destroys graphene and demagnetizes the organism and perhaps also manages to normalize DNA since by stimulating the extracellular matrix it is easy for it to intervene on this too.

On other substances it is able to attack even metals, eliminates rust, eliminates oxides on surfaces, and is able to attack ferrite nanostructures.


Important notice.

I would like to clarify one thing, important, the product thanks to all these peculiarities has a side effect.

You have to be careful, with the doses, especially in relation to blood pressure, people with low blood pressure, should not use large doses, because the product after an initial massive use, tends to lower the blood pressure in a very constant way, in fact it is not like a normal drug, which lowers the blood pressure in a few minutes, and then returns to its normal levels in a few hours, here the thing is very different, thanks to its very particular regenerating and constant properties, the product after use even for just one month, or more depends a lot on the subject, the blood pressure could lower in a constant way and not rise again so quickly; if it is interrupted there is no drug that raises the pressure, but it could take up to a week to return to normal levels, for this reason it is always necessary to proceed with caution, constantly measuring the pressure, not so much at the beginning but towards the 10th day, when the whole body begins to be accustomed, always in relation to the quantity and the surface covered; for example if the whole body were covered, then in a week the product manages to do its job, but equally, it begins to slowly and progressively lower the pressure; it is necessary to be careful with those with low pressure, always monitor.

If, however, the product is used in limited areas, things change, because the blood concentrations of the product are decidedly lower, so the effects, if there were any, occur very far in time.

While people with high or normal pressure the problem could appear, even after several months.

However, it is not said that the problem occurs to everyone, since each organism is different, for example on myself so far I have never had any effect of this type even using very massive doses compared to anyone else, I have also used 50 ml per day, positioned in high penetration points and in areas where there are arteries, such as groin, armpits and neck, where the systemic effect is more evident and greater in a few minutes, even seconds.

I advise everyone not to use these doses, so high, not even those with normal parameters, it could be very dangerous.

However, there are subjects who could have problems, especially when there are hormonal, thyroid and pancreatic imbalances. Because the product tends to bring the hormone values ​​back to normal positions and the body is not used to such a rapid recovery, so evident drops in blood pressure can occur, so you have to be very careful.

Always take the blood pressure after applying the product in a large area, such as the belly, neck, groin, back, thighs, shoulders.


Neurodegenerative diseases.

The behavior towards neurodegenerative diseases is currently being studied, so I don't know yet whether it works or not. Ax3 has demonstrated great ability towards certain nervous pathologies, such as those that affect certain membranes, such as tendons, nerves, and other nervous structures, so it could also be able to act towards certain neurodegenerative diseases, but for now there is no certainty.


A curiosity, the use of Ax3 makes the skin very resistant to perforation with the injection needle, I personally noticed it when I went to have a blood sample taken; where they tried to insert the needle the skin had become so strong that it did not allow the steel needle to be pierced, so much so that the health worker said "what does the elephant have skin?", the skin takes on a notable resistance.


May 5, 2020

From recent and further analyses and tests on people who have freely undergone the treatments, I have noticed that the product called Ax3, has notable properties towards all drugs, it has the strong tendency to increase their beneficial properties and decrease the negative ones, for example it interacts strongly with both natural and synthetic diuretics so much that they are enhanced even 10 times, so much so that only 250mg of Lasix also become 2500mg with such a fast action that the treated part where the product was placed completely loses excess body fluids, in a few hours, something that Lasix alone cannot do, but without the negative effects of the drug.

Obviously it also has potentiating effects on other drugs, such as Cumadin or Warfain, so it is not recommended for certain drugs, such as Cumadin, and others, no interactions have been found with Zanedip, Aspirin, Tapazole, and many others do not interact with this particular product (at least for the moment, but in any case it is worth being careful).


The product can be used at very high doses, even up to 50ml per day, but only for short periods of a maximum of 10 days, after which it must be stopped and the body must dispose of the substance, also because in this period of time the problem has certainly been resolved.

This can be done for some pathologies for example, deep wounds, cuts, surgical interventions, perforations, gunshots, stabs, etc., burns (only under sedation or in a drug-induced coma), lacerations, internal trauma with blood flow, elimination of body fluids such as fluid retention in the lungs, legs, etc., problems with shortness of breath, increases the concentration of oxygen because it transforms the skin into a second lung capable of transporting oxygenated air directly into the blood flow, problems related to the lymph nodes acts as a draining and cleans this type of structures, for tendons and muscles, even bones, rebalances hormonal parameters, stimulates the production of hemoglobin and several other substances. Not only can it effectively kill several pathogens, even viruses, it solves problems from nail fungus.

In practice it is a totipotent product for this reason that the Italian and international pharmacopoeia does not want to produce it and therefore does not allow me to disclose it. But if you wanted to, you cannot reduce its effectiveness, because in any case the product acts on the entire organism, in any bodily location. It is not like a traditional drug of official medicine that can be directed towards a single destination or a few destinations, this one takes everything, it is not controllable, and I did it this way on purpose, furthermore it is a product that does not contain in its formula, metals that can structure it in different ways, it is not convenient to change its structure, you could obtain a dangerous product, while as it is very pure, it does not have harmful side effects; as I said, neither toxic, (unless there is a specific allergy of the subject), rare; neither teratogenic, nor mutagenic, nor carcinogenic. In fact I can say that it manages to destroy some types of cells.

So always for very short periods.

From what I have been able to see from those who test it, the product, if used correctly, can completely heal the body and even after its no longer being used, the body itself no longer presents the previous symptoms.

A person who used the product, told me that he gave it to his cousin who had had a car accident, and used it immediately after the accident, he did not treat himself with drugs; he went to the hospital but did not take the drugs. So he only used my product, the fact is that in a short time he completely recovered, he even told me after a few days he even went to the sea, in fact as I myself was able to ascertain, the product is able to recreate all the body structures, in a very short time.

Another user tells me that he cracked two ribs, and from one day to the next they healed, so you understand the power that this drug has. The next morning he went to work without any pain, loading wood and even the back pain had disappeared.

There are rare people who do not absorb the product due to their epidermal structure, it happened with a family that wanted to try it, so in some cases it can happen that there is no absorption, but as mentioned these are very rare cases.

Furthermore, there are 5 different types of the product, a light or lite, a normal, a strong, an extra-strong, a Fortissimo, currently for safety reasons I give people the normal version, but as mentioned you must not overdo it.

Both the lite and the normal one take 15 days to produce, while for the strong one the time extends to 20 and the extra strong one, even more than 30 and the very strong one even two months (this one, however, does not have pharmaceutical uses but of another kind.

Obviously it cannot worry anyone, since the people who use it are very few.

So the cases of any strange reactions are due to excessive use and are very rare.

Because up to now except for two cases, I have not had anyone who has complained, on the contrary.

Who wouldn't want to heal in such a short time?

It would be excellent as a product for the troops or not!

This is a totally Green product, totally organic.

When the product should not be used:

In case of burns from chemical substances such as acids (sulfuric acid, nitric, hydrochloric, hydrofluoric acid etc.) and bases, (i.e. caustic soda and potash, lithium, quicklime, potassium silicate, sodium and lithium etc)

Do not mix the product with other substances, it can react in various ways, giving off even dangerous substances.

Do not put the product together with petrol, diesel or other incendiary substances.

Do not mix the product with creams, do not mix the product with oily essences to perfume it, because in this case it carries the perfume you use into the body, and there may be various problems, even anaphylactic ones, if you are allergic to some products contained in perfumes, which are often not documented on the packaging.

Do not mix the product with essential plant extracts, the drug can enhance the effects of the same, with unpredictable effects.

If you do not know what the product is compatible with, I do not recommend mixing it, it is better to use the pure product with its not entirely pleasant smell.

I also have to say that the product is not perfectly stable. I created it that way on purpose, because over time, by absorbing gas, something changes in its formula, some chemical elements increase, so from one day to the next it can be changed, it changes very quickly, while still bringing beneficial effects to the body. Therefore, it is not like normal drugs, that which has been determined remains, this is not, and does not remain. The exceptionality of the product lies precisely in its instability, if it were stable, it would not exert the benefits that have emerged so far. If you tried to stabilize it, it would lose its properties and become totally useless, even salification would destroy it.

So I also made sure that if someone wanted to do a chemical analysis of the product, they would know that the formula they will find is not the origin.

But it can be one of the various variations, because over time, with exposure to atmospheric agents, the product changes, the product essentially has no toxic effect, it is not cytotoxic, nor teratorgenic, nor carcinogenic, nor mutagenic, etc.

The pharmaceutical companies would be interested only that the fact that it is not stable creates problems, but the healing effects are exceptional, no drug in the world has these effects all in one product.

So I have no intention of seeing the patent to anyone, since no one can produce it.